MuseScore 3.0 Crashing

• Jan 30, 2019 - 16:44

I've been working on scales for a concert band, which entails a lot of copying and pasting. MuseScore keeps crashing every time I try to save and now it is crashing when I am working on individual parts. I just downloaded the latest version to see if it would help, but it does not.


In reply to by mike320

The video would not attach, so here is a link. I think the video is necessary to get a full understanding of the problem. I'll attach the score as well. The problem I'm demonstrating begins at bar 25 on page on page 24, although it has occurred in other places. I can't enter a note or cut and paste anything there. If you want to watch the video, it's here:…

Attachment Size
Piano_Trio.mscz 127.4 KB

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