
• Feb 2, 2019 - 11:48

how do I rearrange the bars on a page I have 6 bars then 6 then 2 etc.
Also how do I get back to redo the Name /composer etc? many thanks for your help.


To change the number of measures on a system, use system breaks from the breaks and spacers palette. This will set the maximum number of measures permitted on the system. If you have 6, then 6, then 2, it sounds like you may have put a system break in and then put another one earlier to limit yourself to 2 measures, but this is only a guess since I haven't seen the actual score (.mscz file).

Once you have finished the New Score wizard, you have to manually edit anything in the title frame. If you want to add something, most items can be added using the Add->Text menu option, but this only sets the default location and formatting for the item, you must always type in the information from this menu.

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