
• Feb 6, 2019 - 10:43

I'm really trying everything, but I can not get the notenames in MuseScore (either A,B,C or do, re, mi).

I selected the plug-in NotesName, but they don't appear (even not trying selecting different languages).

So plz, don't mention install the plug-in, because this doesn't work. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.


The plugin works in MuseScore 2. It also does in MuseScore 3.0.2, but unfortunalety not on Windows, that issue has been fixed meanwhile, so it will work in 3.0.3.
You can however, in MuseScore 3, use right-click into an empty spot of the staff > Staff/Part Properties... > Advanced Style Properties... > Notehead schema and there select on of the options to have named noteheads.

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