symmetrical split measure size.

• Feb 6, 2019 - 19:19

I am splitting the measures by going to ADD/Insert Horizontal Fram. I want to make all the measures the same size so the page looks even. Is this possible?
I have attached my muse score file and a Jpeg of what I am trying to achieve and a pdf image of my current score.


As far as I understand from the file you added, you are using the 2.x version of The Musescore software.
Although there is a different way to v3.x, I will tell you an adjustment to v2.x here:
in short: Use "Decrease Stretch" (Shortcut "{" key) and "Increase Stretch" (Shortcut "}" key) commands (on Measures).
For visual representation: See at the attached file.

(You can try different combinations with these commands and make finer (and better) settings.)

Attachment Size
Measure Sizes in v2.x.x.gif 398.09 KB

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