Creating break in multibar rests not reflected in parts

• Feb 10, 2019 - 16:27

If a part has a multibar rest, changing the properties of one of the bars within the rest bars in the score to set [break multibar rest] is not reflected in the part. It is not possible to edit the [break multibar rest] property within the part; if a multibar rest is selected [bar properties] is greyed out.

I have found two workarounds:
1) Recreate the part after setting the [break multibar rest] property (not preferred if one has spent some effort in prettying up the part).

2) Add a fermata to the bar where the break is wanted. The multibar rest in the part is immediately broken at the fermata bar as it should be. The properties of the fermata bar can then be edited in the part to set [break multibar rest] and the fermata can be deleted.

It would be nicer if changing the [break multibar rest] property in the score would be immediately reflected in the score without having to resort to the insert/delete fermata cludge.

I have checked that both MS2 and MS3 behave similarly.


Scrolling down the forum I saw another multibar rest post. Not the same problem, but the suggestion to turn off [create multibar rests] option gave me another idea for a workaround - turn off multibar rests in the part and then change the properties in the bar where the break is needed. It works, but in a large score with many multibar rests the expansion shifts everything around so much that it is difficult to find the bar where the break is wanted. Perhaps the create/don't creat multibar rest option could be applied to a selection rather than the whole score/part.

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