Lines wont do what they're told.

• Feb 11, 2019 - 04:58

I am fining it difficult to modify the position, length and angle of simple lines I want to include on my scores. these are just simple straight lines. there seem to be three varieties of them on the "lines' pallet, not sure what the differences are. The line cam be manipulated when the toggles are on but it jumps back when you let it go. Very frustrating especially working with a short line indicating a finger slide between two notes (guitar).


You can turn of automatic positioning in the inspector, but it sounds like a glissando line would be a better way to enter these lines. You can suppress the gliss. on these lines in the inspector. A big advantage to the glissando line is that they will stay anchored to the notes if the measure widths are changed. You will have to adjust the lines from the palette every time you add or subtract a note from the system with the line.

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