Changing Music to Musescore 3

• Feb 27, 2019 - 01:13

With the change to Musescore 3, many of my songs did not change well and now I have to go back and make a lot of adjustments. Currently I have a song that I needed to make a quick change to, but when I went in to make the change, it reverted all the bass lyrics to below the staff and wouldn't let me move them to the middle of the system in line with the treble lyrics. I used Inspector to get them into the system, but they still won't line up evenly with the treble lyrics. Unfortunately I had removed Musescore 2, which I am really regretting because Musescore 3 is really making a mess of my scores, many which I sell professionally!

Does anyone have any tips that might help? The song is a long one, so I don't want to have to go back and rewrite it. I have close to 100 songs that I have written and published, and was close to publishing my first instructional book, but this new update is wreaking havoc with my work!


Reinstall version 2 and use it for version 2 scores and don't worry about transferring them to version 3 if you like the way they look already. Start using version 3 for new scores, it's too much work to convert a version 2 score to version 3.

But FWIW, the easy way to flip lyrics above the staff in MuseScore 3 is by simply pressing "X". If you then need to adjust the exact height above the staff, you probably will need to find the right setting for the various settings in Format / Style that work best for your score. Feel free to attach it so we can assist better.

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