Not put as grey some elements, when play an score, and/or when there is not a loaded file

• Mar 3, 2019 - 17:24

Hi, gang!!!

I wonder if the development team could consider the possibility to let some elements always available, even the fact the score has been played, and/or there is not a loaded file into the MuseScore workspace.

I'm talking about the palettes, the Mixer and the Synthesizer, specifically.

Per example: If we open some palette, and we are playing the score (or we don't have some score file into the workspace), we can not to close that palette. And I can not to see some reason to that.

Also, we can not to manipulate the Synthesizer if we don't have some score file into our workspace. Again, I can not to see some reason to this behaviour.

Well, just an idea.

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!


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