Augmentation dots *after* pitch

• Mar 12, 2025 - 18:51

Coming from Finale after two decades plus, I want to tap the . key after I've tapped the pitch, for a dotted note. At this same point, I can also add an accidental, change the pitch, add additional notes, etc., so I'm pretty much used to it.

Are there any plans to add this function? I know it's a little thing but it would sure help me!


In reply to by mikey12045

Is this close? I'm in note input mode on beat 4 of a 4/4 measure. I want to add a dotted 1/8th note E.

I hit "4" (1/8 note) then "." (for the dot), then "E" (for the pitch). I know you want to enter the pitch first. But this way you don't have to use the mouse. MU4 wants duration first.

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