Parentheses around multiple notes

• Mar 13, 2019 - 02:08

In a previous version, I could insert parentheses around a note as in (a), and then move the left or right bracket so that the parentheses included multiple notes. In this version, if I try to do this, the program just moves the other notes and keeps the parentheses around the one note as in (b). Is this a bug, or is there another way to do this?



Put the parentheses around both the first and last notes, then select the extra ones and press v to make them invisible. If you have View->Show invisible checked in the menu, it will look gray when it's invisible but it won't print.

I just noticed that this work-around is no longer working: if I select an opening or closing parenthesis and untick the "Visible" option in the inspector, it remains visible when printed and in the score (regardless of the View > Show invisible setting), although the option remains unticked in the inspector.

In reply to by ozmusicman88

I cannot reproduce, for me an invisible parenthesis disappears as expected. Can you attach the score you are having trouble with?

Note I wouldn't actually recommend this workaround, it seems much clumsier than needed. Simply delete the parentheses you don't want; I don't see any added value in keeping them but making them invisible.

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