Dockable Inspector and auto-adjust of visible score.

• Mar 13, 2019 - 20:34

Hi all,

I would find it useful if I could dock the inspector to the right hand side of the score,
(directly under the "open scores" band) when visible.

When inspector is invisible, I would like to see the document at the scaling that I set for it.

However, when I invoke the inspector I would like the scaling of the doc to adjust to keep the same picture fully visible.

Of course the inspector size should continue to be adjusted, and that adjustment should be remembered.



Not quite the same I guess - I'm not totally understanding - but check what happens if you pick "Page Width" in the zoom drop down. I rely on this all the time, wish I could make that the default zoom! I'm most confused, though. by what you mean about wanting to dock the Inspector - it should already be docked by default, and if you've undocked it, you can redock it.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Just in case...

In Ubuntu we can work with "Working Areas" (more than one virtual visual desktop at a time).

Can we open MuseScore and put some its score panel into one Working Area, and all the other panels into another Working Area??? Can we??? How???

It is intended because I know we can put one Working Area into one screen monitor and another different Working Area into another screen monitor. SO... If we have more than one monitors... We can see different parts of MuseScore into the different monitors!!!

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