Playback in Musescore 3

• Mar 13, 2019 - 21:14

I'm working on this piece for an orchestra and I have quite a bit of text written there. When I want to play it back, it jumps like 10-20 measures ahead and stops at the note it landed and holds it. It happenes more often with larger scores, but I have noticed it popping up once or twice in a quartet piece as well. This bug is really annoying please fix it.
(sorry, if I had grammar mistakes)


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I can help you only so much that, it happens with like a flick, like the layout of the score just had updated and dragged neatly together. It also accours, when changeing the key and sometimes the key signatures also duplicate. So most of the times it comes with the layout. (By layout I mean only line and page breaks). I would really want to try and experiment how to recreate it, but I just don't have I'm waiting on you guys (developers). Wish you luck at finding the problem!

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