Old dynamics issue (again!)

• Mar 17, 2019 - 19:18

Hi, Gang!!!

I use MuseSCore 3.0.5 Portable AppImage, in Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).

I wonder if the development team could consider, in future versions, the automatically recognization and visual presentation of the dynamics which are into the old Standard MIDI files...

I attach an example of this (the original MIDI file, and the MuseScore "translation").

Even the fact that MuseScore plays the tune, strictly following the original MIDI dynamics, there is not any dynamics symbol into the score!!!

If the program can recognize the MIDI values of "volume" and "velocity" (or "expression")... I think it is a very short step to the dynamics symbols presentation (ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff and fff).

I'm talking about some code like... If volume<127 and volume >110... {Put "fff" into the staff}

Of course, this automatic function could be used in any other format MuseSCore uses (where the writer had forgotten to put the dynamics symbol).

Or... Is there something I missed to do when I convert the MIDI file? ???

Just an idea...

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



While in some cases this could be feasible, in general, a MIDI file might have different velocity for every note - including different velocities for notes in the same chord. In fact, that's probably more common than not for MIDI files created through live performance. There would have to be some AI going on to decide where to actually place changing dynamics, you wouldn't want to see one on every note!

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