One note in two voices.

• Apr 3, 2019 - 22:47

Hi, I've been tabbing a guitar piece by Paganini and I ran into a problem I don't think can be fixed. If it can, PLEASE let me know. The entire piece is filled with sections were sets of notes are a part of 2 voices, in other words, every note has a sixteenth note upstream and every other note has the eighth note downstream and a sixteenth note upstream. When tabbing it, to numbers appear on the tab staff. Is there a way to make Just one number appear and make it actually one note in two voices, rather than the same two notes played in different positions. Please look at the file, it has a sample of what I mean

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Untitled.mscz 8.16 KB


The only thing you can really do is to make the extra notes invisible as in the attached sample.

I don't play the guitar, but I think I would make the notes at the other end of the string invisible as I did in the second half of the measure.

Attachment Size
Untitled_0 (1).mscz 8 KB

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