How to save environment/layout settings? (Metronome, Count-In, PlayPanel)

• Apr 6, 2019 - 16:19

In MS3.0 - I want to be able to open a file and have my previous layout to be what I see by default.

For example, when I open a file - I would like the PlayPanel to be open in my workspace, the Metronome and Count-In icons to already be selected.

I've tried RTFM and forums , tried things like styles, but must be missing a key piece as I don't get it.



Well, there are settings in Edit / Preferences to control which dialogs display on startup, but I'm not sure those take effect when starting with a file as opposed to when starting from the icon. You can also experiment with creating a custom workspace (hit the "+"+ button at the bottom of the Palettes window) and telling it to incorporate toolbars and other GUI elements, then it will save more settings. But I don't think that extends to the actual state of the toolbar buttons - eg, making count-in pressed by default.

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