Feature request: add ability to specifiy number of repeats for whole score.

• Apr 10, 2019 - 18:57

Unlike measure repeats there is no way of specifying to Musescore to replay a score nth number of times. One can double up the DC to create one additional replay (see image). However, any over two DC is ignored, allowing the score to be preated only three times max. I suggest either providing an option in the inspector to specify the number of DC repeats or allow more than two DC's to be assigned to a measure. Or something completely different, allow Musescore to read staff text such as "4x" (play 4 times) as a command.



In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks. My suggestion here is that there be an easier way to specify repeating a score (e.g., DC) more than once as one can do with the repeat measure barlines. (What is the basic conventions in music notation to specify that a DC should be played more than once?) This would simplify creating mp3 files and youtube videos that loop a score a certain amount of times (more than once). For example, In Ableton, one can specify how many times a song is to be looped when exporting to a mp3.

In reply to by Sambaji

There is no convention in music regarding what happens if you encounter a DC more than once - you're not supposed to do that. if you want the entire score repeated multiple times, the correct way to notate this is with repeat barlines. But you're out of luck if there are repeats within the score as well. As far as I know, there is no standard / correct way to notate this, just a text marking that says "play entire piece 7 times" or some such maybe.

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