Applied dynamic is ignored at beginning of next measure
Hi all,
Here's my environment:
OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
Arch.: x86_64
MuseScore version (64-bit):
revision: 58dd23d
I've encountered what appears to be a relatively obscure bug. I applied a fortissimo (ff) dynamic in a measure on the and of beat 2 (see measure 20 in the score snipped shown below). The following two quarter notes play at this louder ff dynamic (the dynamic in effect prior to this is pianissimo (pp). However, at the beginning of the next measure (measure 21) the loudness reverts back to the softer pp dynamic, despite the fact there is no dynamic notation present to indicate this. I've worked around the problem by placing a fortissimo (ff) dynamic on the first note in measure 21, which resolves the problem. But it still seems to me that this shouldn't be necessary, and that this behavior is a bug.
Comments? Thoughts?
Attachment | Size |
ScoreSnippet.jpg | 27.81 KB |
We would need to the the actual .mscz file for any chance of helping. The normal ideas I have would not be affected by inserting another ff on the next measure.
In reply to We would need to the the… by mike320
Okay, find attached the score in question. Problem occurs at beginning of measure 21, when the applied ff (fortissimo) dynamic applied in measure 20 is apparently ignored at measure 21 (and after) with the loudness level dropping to pp (pianissimo).
Thanks for taking the time to follow up on this issue,
i deleted the crescendo hairpin before the "ff" and reentered it -> all ok!
I think it is because the original hairpin is anchored to the far right of the measure!?
Other workaround: doubleclick hairpin, move anchor with 3 times SHIFT+arrow left.
In reply to Hello, i deleted the… by [DELETED] 1307581
To be clear, the problem is that the dynamics affect the notes inside of the anchors, not where the hairpin is displayed. Always make sure that if you want to change the notes affected by a hairpin you use shift+arrows to move the ends. This was the same in version 2.x.
In reply to To be clear, the problem is… by mike320
Thanks Pentatonus and mike320 - I unintentionally introduced this behavior when I placed the crescendo hairpin, then adjusted it incorrectly (without realizing what the result would be) after applying it to the entire measure. Sure enough, the ff dynamic notation and the two following quarter notes were enclosed by the hairpin, even though I had reduced the visible dimension of it.
Sure enough, deleting the malformed hairpin and then replacing it correctly resolved the issue.
Well done guys. Thanks for the assistance!