Adding Tempo to multiple instruments to a full score

• Apr 22, 2019 - 23:38

In a full orchestral score I should be able to add the tempo marking to both the very top of the score and above the string section. However, whenever I try to do this, two tempo markings are created above the score and when I try and drag one down to above the first violin part, it just snaps right back to the top. Is there any way I can override this? Many thanks.


To make it "look" like there is a tempo mark above the strings, you must use staff text and rewrite the tempo mark (or copy & paste) then use the inspector and change the Style to Tempo...There are other ways, but this is easiest.

If you disable "automatic placement" for the tempo marking in inspector it won't snap, so you can just drag it wherever. I realise this is old but I had the same question :)

In reply to by grace9

It's a really bad idea to use more than one Tempo element on the same beat, because this can lead to MuseScore crashing. This can happen in particular when multiple Tempo elements on the same beat are accidentally set to different bpm values.

Please instead use the original suggestion from @mike320:
"To make it "look" like there is a tempo mark above the strings, you must use staff text and rewrite the tempo mark (or copy & paste) then use the inspector and change the Style to Tempo"

In reply to by DanielR

I think the OP is NOT wanting multiple tempo texts, but multiple appearances of the same tempo text. Sibelius does this by allowing users to specify multiple staves above which tempo text will be displayed. I too have no desire to manually create fake copies of tempo changes; I would like to change tempo above whichever orchestral section I happen to be working on, and then have those changes mirrored above all sections.

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