Capability to input special characters in all the text fields in the score, and Sections monitoring.

• Apr 25, 2019 - 20:51

Hi, Gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.0.5 (not the Portable AppImage) in Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).

I think it would be very helpful and nice if MuseScore adds two capabilities:

1) Let the user to input special characters (like Coda, copyright, etc) in all the text fields we will use in the score. I'm talking about to include it even IN the inspector text fields (like the volta lines and others).

2) MuseScore should use and monitoring Sections (parts of the scores), like the Rehearsal Marks (which today are only a visual sign). I'm talking about to let the user to tell MuseScore: "Go to the [A] part"; "Play only the [C] part"; "Play [A] part, then [C] part, then [A] part, then [B] part"... etc., etc., etc.

Just an idea.

Blessings and Greetings from Chile, South America!!!



Both ideas are good. You absolutely should be able to enter special characters from the F2 menu in the inspector. You can use the workaround of making staff text with the character then copy and paste to the inspector.

2 has been proposed. I thought it might happen last time I saw it discussed, but the idea died.

2 indeed seems to not have made it into the issue tracker, possibly because the way forward on such a feature wasn't quite clear yet.
See for a discussion a while back about this feature. Also note my very clever (if I may say so myself :) ) workaround in a comment somewhere in there.

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