Feature Request: Make it easier to move selections/sections

• Apr 26, 2019 - 13:54

Although fantastical, here are some feature suggestions to make it easier to move score sections around when composing:

Add a drag-and-drop feature to the Timeline. In the Timeline, simply click on a section (e.g., defined by rehearsal marks--part "A", "B", etc) and drag it to its new location and the score's layout changes. (If direct editing was available on the Timeline, it might be appropriate to change the name "Timeline" to "Arranger".)

In the score itself, add "Select Section", demarcated by text (e.g., rehearsal marks) to the Right-click menu to allow quick section selection.

Allow drag-and-drop of selected measures (e.g.,https://reflow.app/) and the automatic insertion of new measures when pasting (e.g., add clipboard command "Insert" to the right-click menu), Currently, one has to insert new measures before moving content.

Add virtual clipboards (e.g., MS Word), as frfancha suggested in an old 2017 post (https://musescore.org/en/node/257421) ."Less but also more powerful in a certain sense (and certainly less complex to implement) would be to allow to have several virtual clipboards (10 would be nice). For the use case of the OP, it would require to copy the several parts to clip1, clip2, ... and to paste from clip1, clip2, ... Instead of pasting all in once as proposed but already much easier than always going back and forth. And giving other opportunities such as pasting in a certain order, then in another one. Swapping between more than 2 passages would also be easy using these multiple clipboards." Alternatively, add a clipboard view that lists an accessible history of previous selections (e.g., open-source system clipboard app Copyq)

jotape1960 also suggested using rehearsal marks to delimit sections for commands in his recent post (https://musescore.org/en/node/288245). "MuseScore should use and monitoring Sections (parts of the scores), like the Rehearsal Marks (which today are only a visual sign). I'm talking about to let the user to tell MuseScore: "Go to the [A] part"; "Play only the [C] part"; "Play [A] part, then [C] part, then [A] part, then [B] part"... etc.

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