Add functionality to allow a v2 Getting Started page and a v3 Getting Started page to be used

• Jun 23, 2019 - 10:54

Currently in v3 the Getting Started page, which was created in v2, show a message that it is recommended to reset the positions due to the fact it is importing a v2 into the v3 version. When doing this, the page no longer displays correct. To maintain compatibility with v2, it would be good to have a new storage location to be used in v3 for the Getting Started page. New pages for v3 can then be created and the old pages still will work when using the v2 version of MuseScore.
See #291176: Add functionality to allow a v2 Getting Started page and a v3 Getting Started page to be used.

Attachment Size
GettingStarted.PNG 53.41 KB


Either this, or just convert all those 2.x files into 3.x ones and forget about MuseScore 2 for those, similar to how the PDF import works (it creates 3.x files).
6 months after 3.0 got released there should not be (m)any new 2.x users anymore, so no real need for 2.x Getting Started scores

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