Stable version to Linux... When?

• Jul 2, 2019 - 17:50

Hi, Gang!!!

I'm using the last MuseScore 3.2.2 Portable AppImage in my so good Linux Ubuntu STudio 18.04.2 LTS Operating System.

We knows some bugs there are still present in any Portable AppImage, so, my question is...

When the Linux Ubuntu users will have a final stable 3.2.x STABLE VERSION? ???

I'm talking about a full debian package with an official app repository with automatic upgrading.

So... WHEN? ???

I hope the today Total Eclipse of Sun won't "eclipse" my question!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



mirabilos, the maintainer of the packages has been moving these days, so as a first step, allow him to settle down ;-)
Then the proposed packages need to make it through the normal approval stream.

> "We knows some bugs there are still present in any Portable AppImage"

Do tell us what they are so we can fix them :)

In reply to by shoogle

It is a very known bug of the Portable AppImage version and a very important issue to the Spanish native language people: WE CAN NOT TO USE THE ACCENT CHARACTERS DIRECTLY WHEN WE ARE INPUTTING LYRICS.

Spanish language (real and right name should be: Castillian) needs YES or YES the following characters in lyrics:
á - Á - é - É - í - Í - ó - Ó - ú - Ú - ñ - Ñ

Normally we could input it directly from the keyboard (which is the logical way in any other software), but... With the Portable AppImage... WE CAN NOT TO DO THAT.

The only way to input those characters is with:

1) Extra Special Characters Panel (which is some weird... Why to have to use it if you can use the keyboard directly?)

2) Copy and paste from another place (OS character map).

If you don't understand why it is too important, let me put an example:

The Spanish word: AÑO (YEAR, in English), without the "Ñ" character, is a very different thing in our language!!! Please look what "ANO" means in Spanish and you will understand the issue.

In reply to by jotape1960

You also need a “ü” - Perhaps for the publication of the few Spanish words that need it and that could conceivably appear in a song title.

También necesitamos un "ü". Tal vez debería retrasar la publicación en español de mi gran obra "El año del pingüino" hasta que se resuelva este problema.

I have just uploaded 3.2.2 to Debian experimental (and it was already accepted!), the PPAs and OBS (the packages are currently compiling but will be installable in an hour or so).

In reply to by jotape1960

Keystrokes are not something we have control over in MuseScore: we just take whatever Qt sends us. If it works in Debian then it is probably because Debian is using a different Qt version, or because Debian has patched Qt to fix this issue.

If you are feeling adventurous then you can try out unofficial builds from my PR to improve the AppImage, including upgrade the version of Qt that is bundled inside.

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