keyboard compatible?

• Aug 7, 2014 - 22:52

We are looking at getting a keyboard to use with composing and want to get one that is compatible with musescore. A guy at the music store we were at this week suggested a Samson Carbon 49 midi controller, but he was not sure if it would work with musescore. Does anyone know if it will work so we can use it instead of composing with the keyboard? If this is not one that will work, can someone suggest a three-octave keyboard that would work without breaking the bank?
thanks in advance.


f it adheres to the MIDI spec, it will work. Only 3 octaves would be a problem for a "player", but if all you want it for is input and you are willing to make the additional key strokes (octave transposition for example), it should be fine. Others will probably add more ideas.

The Samson Graphite works OK so there's no reason to suspect that the Carbon wouldn't.

SO long as you switch things on in the correct order there should be no problem whatsoever.

BTW, if you're expecting you can just play music on the keyboard and have it magically transcribed, rhythms and all, you'll be disappointed. MuseScore doesn't work that way. You'll still be entering notes one a time, pre-selecting the duration of each. You'll just press the "A" on the MIDI keyboard rather than the "A" on your computer keyboard. It's pretty much the same either way. With computer keyboard entry, you occasionally have to correct MuseScore's guess as to what octave you want; with MIDI, you will have to corrects it's guess as to spelling of accidentals. Six of one, half dozen of the other :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dear Mr. Sabatella,
I know, a much-discussed problem is the following: it would be nice to have a so-called "Single Note Mode" in MS. That is, when entering a midi keyboard, "note on" would be immediately followed by a step forward. This could be ignored by adding a "shift" or "control". When a single note is to be entered, it could be worked very quickly. This could also solve the "note on - note off" compatibility.
Thanks for your efforts and happy Holidays!

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