MuseScore works and then doesn't

• Jul 8, 2019 - 03:16

MuseScore worked fine for the longest time. After not using it for a while, I opened it, and nothing was working anymore. I can't edit the document; it doesn't make noise when I click on any of the notes, and I can't play it back; when I press the play button, everything on top fades like it's going to play, but then nothing happens.

I decided to write MuseScore to let them know, but the problem fixed itself. After a few days of working on music, the problem happened again and I can't do anything anymore. What should I do?


Sounds problems are often hard to diagnose as they depend on details of your system, and I don't have much expertise there. But - what do you mean when you say you "can't edit the document"? What specifically are you doing that isn't working? What are you clicking/pressing, what do you expect to see happen, and what happens instead? Also it is easier to help if you attach the score you are having trouble with.

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