Wrong note-placement in specific conditions?
Hi all,
In the attached score (made with MuS measure 52 has got three voices with last note of voice 1 being a G.
But so it’s last note of voice 2 and MuS makes the two notes to coincide space-wise, whereas the note of voice 1 should be displaced as in the excerpt from the original paper score (see second attachment).
At least that is what I expected it to do.
Am I setting myself Oblivion-piano.mscz
From looking at the picture, it looks like the voice 2 chord is what is offset, voice 1 lines up with the bass. No matter how you decide to fix this, select a note you want to move (if you choose voice just click the E) and open the inpsector (F8) and use the chord section to change the X offset. Positive numbers move the chord/note right, negative numbers move it left.
In reply to From looking at the picture,… by mike320
Thanks for the suggested workaround.
In reply to Thanks for the suggested… by Trottolina
The most common notation is that the notes will share a note head, but sometimes it helps the musician to see the different melody lines as in this case, so the workaround is necessary for the less common case.
I would say it is the wrong expectation - this isn't the standard way of notating this, so people - especially pianists - aren't accustomed to seeing it, and it will be more confusing than the standard notation where the notehead is shared. So unless you have a special need to go with the non-standard notation, I'd just leave it as is. But yes, to create the non-standard notation, you can use the Inspector.