How to: cautionary enharmonics

• Jul 21, 2019 - 19:18

Is there a way in Musescore 3 to notate the cautionary enharmonic spelling often used in contemporary vocal music -- small, stemless notehead, often in parentheses. (cf. Gould 437) as a composer of contemporary, often chromatic, choral music, I would find these particularly useful.


You can enter notes like this in an unused voice. Use the inspector (F8) to make the note stemless, put it in brackets and make it small. You will probably want to adjust it's x offset as well. I generally suggest using the chord section for the offset, since it will move everything associated with the notehead as opposed to the Element section that will only move the note head. Select any unwanted rests in the unused voice and press v to make them invisible. I actually suggest you use voice 3 if the real notes are in voice 1 since these will not affect the stem directions of other notes.

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