Help Please!
Hey, I'm having trouble with musescore. I'm still relatively new. I already selected instruments, but I'm having trouble with bass clarinet. I don't know how to change the individual instrument's clef. Does anyone know how I can change the clef from treble to bass?
Comments ?
There is an instrument Bass Clarinet (Bass clef) defined so you don't have to change the clef (and transposition). When you add the instrument, use the search box on the bottom left and search for a Bass C and you will see it.
Do be aware, though, that the bass clarinet does normally read in treble clef. I can see why you might want to enter the low notes in bass clef, perhaps at concert pitch - so I'd recommend turning on concert pitch, then adding a bass clef from the palette. Then when you're done entering notes, turn concert pitch back off, so the transposition is correct and the music displays in treble again. Unless you really do plan to give this to someone who prefers to read bass clef (very uncommon).
In reply to Do be aware, though, that… by Marc Sabatella
In Germany and among German influenced composers the Bass Clarinet is normally written in Bass Clef. The notation is every bit as valid as treble clef.
I recommend that you use the Bass Clef Bass Clarinet because a treble clef Bb bass clarinet transposes a 9th while a bass clef bass clarinet transposes a second.
In reply to In Germany and among German… by mike320
True, it's every bit as valid even though not common; I should have mentioned that possibility. But I was going off the "still relatively new" comment, and thinking it possible the OP just wasn't aware of how much for bass clarinet is normally written.