Added notes won't replace rests?

• Aug 17, 2019 - 17:22

Hello. I just downloaded musescore yesterday and am in the process of writing my first score. I have my time signature set to 3/4, but every time I enter a note over the rest I desire to replace, the rest does not disappear, and the measure is extended by that many beats. I am very frustrated because I have gone through all the tutorials and I have seen no one else with this problem. Any tips/advice/fixes that anyone could think of?


When you look at a blank score, you see measures rests that are 3 beats long in your case. When you enter a quarter note, the quarter note is entered and the rest of the measure is filled with 2 beats of rests to keep 3 beats in the measure. If this is not the case, then you are in an input mode other than Step-time (Default). Click the symbol below the new score icon on the toolbar and choose Step-time (Default) as your note input mode and it will work this way. There will be a triangle next to the symbol indicating there is a dropdown menu.

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