Make "Repeat section" command available for a single note outside Note input mode

• Aug 27, 2019 - 15:50

While having a single note selected outside of note input mode, I suggest making it possible to hit 'R' (by default) and trigger the "Repeat section" command, repeating the selected note with identical note value and pitch. Note input mode should be active after doing this.


It makes sense that selecting a note head and pressing r would duplicate the note, but there are complications. r actually uses the clipboard. Select a range of notes, press r then ctrl+v to see this in action.

The problem arises that this needs a special case added to it. If you select a note head, copy it, select a rest and paste it, you get a note of the same pitch as the original but the duration of the rest, this was a deliberate decision based upon discussions.

I do agree the special case needs to be made so selecting a note head duplicates that note without regard to what affect it has on the following notes and/or rests just like selecting a group of notes and pressing r would do. This would be especially useful for duplicating dotted notes, but would be one less key stroke for most undotted notes.

One final hint, to duplicate a note, shift + click it and press r, this turns the selected note into a range selection so r will work. Unfortunately if you only want one note from a chord duplicated this will not work.

In reply to by mike320

Thank you for the insight.

I usually use "Shift+Up" followed by "Shift+Down", which also only selects the note I'm interested in as a range, as I am trying to reduce mouse usage as much as possible, as the mouse seems much more slow than using the keyboard. This means, however, that I have to press 4 key combinations in order to repeat a single note from outside of note input mode:

N to enter Note input mode -> Shift+Up to select a range -> Shift+Down to limit the range to the note I want to repeat -> 'r' to repeat the selection

In reply to by lassekrarup

"Shift+Up" followed by "Shift+Down" is a way of selecting a single note I hadn't thought of. Honestly I would just press the note name again and you can eliminate 3 key strokes. I was giving instructions in case you wanted to repeat a note that was already entered and you are no longer in note input mode. Of course your way copies articulations with it, but almost all of my articulations I use have shortcuts.

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