Lining up of lyrics, and where's my 'N' gone!!
Hello, two things I'm afraid.
Firstly, and most importantly, for some reason I can't seem to line up lyrics - some words or syllables appear higher than the first word on the line, some lower. It seems to happen on words spread out over a triple, but not always. I've also got a hyphen between syllables which seems to be floating over the words. I've tried selecting and dragging down but they just pop back to their original place. Any thoughts please?
Secondly, the 'n' on my keyboard has stopped working when I'm entering lyrics and other text. It does work when I use Alt+n. What have I switched on that I shouldn't have?
In reply to Sampe score needed Probably… by Jojo-Schmitz
Score attached. The kind of thing I'm talking about are the words 'out' in bars 7 & 15, 'may' in bar 12, and hyphens in the words 'asleep' in bar 18 and 'boundless' on the bottom line of bar 21 (amongst others).
Thanks - couldn't see it in shortcuts but reverted to default settings and its working again - happy days, thanks.
In reply to Score attached. The kind of… by Rapsquillion
Try this.
Format/Styles/Text->Lyrics-> reset to default
Upgrade if possible:
In reply to Try this. Upgrade if… by Shoichi
Will do - thanks
In reply to Score attached. The kind of… by Rapsquillion
Indeed you shpould update from 3.0.2 to 3.2.3.
That score seems to stem from MuseScore 2 though, right?
In reply to Indeed you shpould update… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I think I probably did make it in 2. Thanks for the help.
In reply to Score attached. The kind of… by Rapsquillion
In reply to If you assign a shortcut to… by mike320