Musescore Drumline Addition

• Nov 1, 2019 - 21:52

As a new on-coming drum learner, I personally do not know how to notate to the best of my ability what i come up with. I propose and new feature the allows users to record their sound using a tempo click and record the sound onto the specific drum you want. Then again for things like Tenor drums and all that you would have to adjust it so that it would fit pitches and shots and all that. If anyone who is a creator likes my idea, you have free will to use it. Thank you for your time.


There is a limited real-time MIDI input feature already, but really it's only suitable for very simple rhythms, What you can do is use a sequencer to record a MIDI file, then import tht - results will be much better. But either way, you will need MIDI drums, or something capable to of turning sound into MIDI.

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