Couple of suggested improvements

• Dec 28, 2019 - 06:03

First: When using continuous view, have the bar which indicates the note being play remain stationary while the score scrolls "behind" it.

Second: Provide a means for the playback to analyze the lyrics and adjust ties/slurs accordingly. For example if two notes are tied for 2 out of 3 verses, but one verse needs a two-syllable lyric, let me set the line style to dashed or dotted and have MuseScore analyze the lyrics beneath that note. Optional_Tie_Sample.mscz

Attachment Size
Optional_Tie_Sample.mscz 10.99 KB


FWIW, I did a trial implementation for the former, it's a very simple change, but when people tried it, they found they didn't actually like it, so it never made it into any release.

The second suggestion you are making seems very specialized, probably best done by a plugin, if that's possible.

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