Integrating Yamaha DGX-660
Request for help in integrating my Yamaha DGX 660 with Musescore 3.x that should allow me to automatically notate music as I play. I have tried all that I can and havent made headway as yet.
Request for help in integrating my Yamaha DGX 660 with Musescore 3.x that should allow me to automatically notate music as I play. I have tried all that I can and havent made headway as yet.
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Comments ?
For the record though, if you're expecting to just be able to play in real time and have the rhythms transcribed automatically, that isn't how it works. There is indeed a realtime mode that can do some limited things, but for the most part, note input in MuseScore is one note at a time, as per the Handbook, same when using MIDI as when using the mouse, computer keyboard, or onscreen piano keyboard.