How to change default size of different types of noteheads accessible from the "noteheads" pallete?

• Jan 2, 2020 - 04:28

I'm very curious as to whether it is possible to customize the default size of different types of noteheads in musescore 3? I want to change the default size of the slashes because I just find that they are a bit too big and they don't pair very well with the crosses when used in things such as rhythmic slash notation for strum patterns on guitar (I prefer to tick the "small" setting for the slashes in the inspector, especially in the Bravura style). It's very irritating to have to select each individual slash by hand and set their sizes to small while leaving the crosses untouched and I haven't found my answer in any forums related to my issue regarding customizing default sizes of specific types of noteheads rather than all of the noteheads in general. Any help would be appreciated.


The closest I could come to anything remotely related to customization of noteheads was right clicking on the icon of the slash in the notehead pallete and adjusting the scale in "properties" but that does not change anything except for its appearance in the pallete. I simply want to make slashes smaller by default. Again if I'm missing something please let me know as any help will be appreciated. I've already looked in style and preferences and I have not found anything that could fix my problem.

This is not possible as far as I know.

But also know that you shouldn't have to painstakingly select every slash notehead by hand. Right-click (ctrl-click on Mac) one of them and make use of Select → More… to be able to select all those specific noteheads.

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