changing clefs

• Feb 9, 2020 - 22:40

How can I change the percussion clef to a bass clef? I tried to just replace it with the bass clef from the palette but it doesn't seem to work.


MuseScore doesn't support changing between unpitched and pitched instruments on the same staff currently.
You might get your desired effect by using two different instruments and then making use of the hide empty staves feature.

It's not possible cause percussion stave .The notes are not music not for 1 instrument but for severals (if it's a drum stave) you have 1 pitch for each instrument of the drums, 1 for Bass drum, 1 for snare, 1 for charley etc..... so if you change for a bass or trebble key, these notes become real music note, A B C D etc to be played by an ordinary instrument like piano or flute. Idem if you have a drum stave already written , if you change in "stave proprieties" for another instrument like Piano, the percussion key don't change but all the notes for drum's instruments become notes of piano and don't play drums

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