Copy and Paste over only notes wihout overwrite the chords

• Feb 11, 2020 - 23:17

It would be nice to have a feature to copy ore repeat measures without overwriting the chordsymbols that already where placed in the score. I often place the chord symbols first to have a refererence.
But when placing the notes, where you often repeat measures or copy parts, the chordsymbols will be overwritten or deleted.
I read something about selection filter, but then you have to select the measure and deselect the chord symbol. That can be complicated. Often the pasta didn't work. The speed of repeating and copying entire measures has disappeared.
Maybe there is a way of doing this and I cannot find it.


You can indeed do this, just deselect Chord Symbols in View / Selection Filter. Although you aren't supposed to need to, that is a bug introduced relatively recently but has a pending fix I suspect will be included in the next release.

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