How to center ALL chords over the note/beat/subdivision, instead of being left alligned?

• Feb 14, 2020 - 22:53

Would like to have the middle or slash of my chord symbols be centered above the notehead. Any way to do this for all chords?

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MuseScore3_LljHNUP0tj.png 19.56 KB


It's possible to adjust then horizontal offset of chord symbols in general via format->style...->text styles->chord symbol or (another way) right click on a chord symbol->select-> all similar elements and adjust the horizontal offset inside the inspector. Or adjusting for they in the same way "Center text on reference point".


In reply to by kuwitt

You can also center just one of them using the Inspector, then hit the "Set as style" ("S" icon) button next to the alignment controls. This has the same effect as going to Format / Style / Text Style / Chord symbols and changing the alignment there, but it's usually much easier.

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