Chromebook compatibility
We use Chromebooks at our school with the standard HP OS system. Is there a version of MuseScore that would work with this? Hoping to use this for project-based learning. Thanks!
We use Chromebooks at our school with the standard HP OS system. Is there a version of MuseScore that would work with this? Hoping to use this for project-based learning. Thanks!
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Yes, the Linux version can be installed on Chromebooks, assuming your admins allow Linux apps. See and the video in particular, it's quite simple actually.
In reply to Yes, the Linux version can… by Marc Sabatella
My school is not willing to install Linux, so is there an option to use this without Linux?
In reply to My school is not willing to… by sjancura
You can try, which provides access to MuseScore as a web service.
Too bad the school isn't willing to enable Linux support, though. There's nothing to install - Linux is already part of ChromeOS. It's just a question of them allowing you to check the box to enable it. I would keep pestering them about this, maybe see if others at the school would also benefit from other Linux apps (photo and video editors, tools for learning to code - really lots of stuff Linux makes possible) to get more weight behind the request.
In reply to You can try,… by Marc Sabatella
I read this thread and got super excited until I went to and they said that musescore came with limitations unless you pay for their membership. That is absolutely absurd that a free program has to be paid for through a third party in order to use. Until my district allows the use of linux for chromebooks my students will no longer be able to use musescore as it stands. is not a solution.
In reply to I read this thread and got… by larenztolson
When you say "will no longer be able" to use MuseScore, what are you saying has changed, and when did you perceive this change to have taken place? I am not aware of any changes for the worse to have happened at all here, not with respect to Linux or rollapp.
But anyhow, I agree that if your district is going to prevent people from using fantastic free tools, you'll have to resort to paying for lesser-quality ones. Ironic indeed!