too much space after adding lyrics

• Mar 1, 2020 - 12:09


After adding some lyrics, the staves went from 3 bars per line to 2. The original 3 per line weren't "tight" and side margins = 0.5 inches. Is there a global setting to shrink the bars instead of going into properties for each bar? That turns into a nuisance 40-50 bars in.

Thank you


There are many different settings to control different aspects of spacing. In order to say which is best for your particular score, we'd need you to attach it, or at least a relevant aspect of it. But certainly to reduce stretch, you never need to use measure properties one at a time. The shortcut to reduce stretch is "{", and it works on any number of selected measures at once. Format / Style / Measure / Spacing sets the default from which this is applied. But chances are good that since lyrics are what spread things out, you're going to want to change some lyric settings instead - font size, minimum distance, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have
Style --> General--> Page: Lyrics Top margin, Bottom margin, lyrics line height

Style-->Text-->Lyrics Odd lines/Even Lines: Text (font attributes) Offset Horizontal (3 horizontal aignment positions) Vertical (4 alignment positions) and Frame.
No minimum setting for lyrics spacing.

The sample has 3 bars before adding lyrics and same 3 bars with lyrics.

Attachment Size
.SAMPLE.mscz, 4.39 KB

In reply to by mmserp

Sounds like you're using a very old version of MuseScore. Current is 3.4.2, I'd recommend updating if at all possible. The version you are using doesn't provide as much control.

The file you attached is a backup file (you can tell by the leading period and trailing comma) and is empty.

In reply to by mmserp

Indeed, if you do lots of unusual manual adjustments and playing tricks on the layout system, they won't survive updates - or any changes to layout, really - very well. But still, even if you keep using older versions for older scores, you should be using MuseScore 3 for new scores as it will make most things much easier.

Anyhow, not sure what that score looks like for you, but on my 3.4.2 system, I see the three measures with lyrics fitting easily onto one system, with room leftover, even if I reset the stretch and the various manual adjustments that were presumably made to overcome deficiencies in 2.3.2's default layout.


I've just written out a carol for SATB, with 4 verses but there's a large space at the bottom of the lyrics on page 1 which I'd like to reduce. Otherwise each SATB staff takes up a whole page. I'd like to get it so that 2 staffs are on each page. Can you advise please?


Attachment Size
O little one sweet.mscx 173.77 KB

In reply to by drbillthomson

Indeed, right now the second system just doesn't fit. Looking at the second page makes this clear - it barely has room for two systems as is, and there's no title frame there to take up space. You could measure the system heights with a ruler and see that for yourself. Reducing the staff size would fix that, but you might also consider reducing the height of your title frame, which would create enough space that you could get away with only a "slightly" smaller staff size.

In reply to by drbillthomson

FWIW, the default satff size is chosen to be one that works well for instrumental music, which is usually read at from a somewhat larger distance than choral music (sitting on a music stand with possibly a trombone between you and it!). Whereas choral music is seldom more than arm's length away. So you might find the smaller size works fine, and indeed most choral music is printed somewhere smaller than most instrumental music - down to a staff space of 1.5 or even 1.25 mm.

If people balk, then consider a separate title page to fit the two systems on the first "real" page, or just let there be a single system.

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