Scratch Pad

• Mar 17, 2020 - 15:01

When I'm working on a long project, it would be great to have a place to put random melodies and fragments that pop into my head that I don't want to put into the main score yet, and to put fragments that I'm removing from a certain place in the main score until I can find a better place to put them.

Right now I use a second project with the same parts as the main project to put save-for-later fragments and a third project to put experimental melodies and chord progressions. Ideally, the sketchpad would be a free form work space that lets you scatter little parts anywhere you want like sticky notes on a desk.

Creating a new fragment should open a pop up window where the defaults are a choice of instruments from what are currently on the score (but include a button to add other instruments), and the key signature and time signature correspond to the first measure of the current selection (no default selected if there's multiple time signatures).

Finally, a way to select multiple fragments at different points for playback to experiment with how the parts blend.

After doing a little research, it sounds like this is similar to Sibelius's Idea Pad.


100% agree with this now 5 year old post. I also think a scratch pad would be great.

For those of us with imperfect memories, disrupting a working score with large scale changes can be daunting. An ideal workflow would include being able to break out multiple versions of a particular staff inline. Some DAWs implement this "many takes on one track" approach I think. I seem to recall a similar feature in cubase, for example, though it's been a while.

Another solution would definitely be some git-like history of scores, though it's unclear if composers would ever adopt a "commit" mentality. Programmers tend to structure their workflow so that build processes depend on git, so it becomes a natural part of building.

Maybe playback is the analogy. Store a git commit of the score on playback. It is the analog of building/executing.

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