volta problem with two numbers
I was working on a tune, and I wanted a volta to be repeated, so I used the numbering "2, 3" in the Inspector. When I play back the tune, it stops dead at the end of the repetition, and does not go on to 4 or back to the beginning and then on to 4 (which is what I was hoping for). The problem goes away if I renumber the section that I want to repeat as simply "2" and adjust the numbers of the following voltas, but then the volta that I wanted to repeat is just played once. In the attachment, I shortened the tune I was working on so that you don't have to listen to a long piece before you get to the problem, which persists in the shortened version. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
Attachment | Size |
Sample volta problem.mscz | 10.77 KB |
Oh, I see that if I want the volta to play twice, I have to raise the play count of its last measure to 3. This is a little unintuitive for me; it would make more sense to me if "2" indicated that the volta would play twice, but at least there is an easy workaround.
Not a workaround but the way it is designed and documented to work