Musescore on Chromebooks/Cloudready in education

• Apr 17, 2020 - 17:56

I use musescore as an appimage in Linux (Beta) on an Acer R11 and Clloudready.
In Debian 9 on the old Linux (Beta) it was good, but on Debbian 10 in the new linux (beta) the appimage appears to run very well.

Is anybody using it in education?
Just wondering. The kids still have a sibeluis copy at home on a w10 laptop, but they should not need it anymore.
I know the installation etc. is not organised completely (for android it is getting good, but for Linux (Beta) it is hardly present).

Are teachers starting to try it for themselves? Is schoool IT trying it? any kids?


Definitely some people have reported success with this - not just using it on Chromebook (I do that too) but actually using it in schools. But a recurring issue is administrators locking out Linux apps.

FWIW, I will be running a special edition of my semi-regular MuseScore in Education webinar series this Monday, April 20, 1 PM Eastern time. We'll talk about MuseScore of course but also the many challenges of online education. It's free, join us if you can!

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