Fixed down spacers for each system

• Apr 29, 2020 - 11:36

I would like to suggest to add spacers to each staff at the beginning of each system.

This feature would be very interesting for orchestral writing, because one could have a fixed down spacing between staves for each page (and not for the whole score).

The fact is that, depending on whether there are dynamics, articulations, etc. or not, the distance between staves may vary from page to page. Also, when writing for orchestra, the number of instruments may vary from one staff to the other. So having the possibility to adjust the spacing for each page would allow to produce professional edition with fewer effort.

Of course, this feature would be interesting for any chamber music ensemble, and in general to produce better professional editions.

I would be very thankful if you could make something about this!

I have been using musescore since the beginning and love it!

David Burkhard

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Orchestra_spacing.png 234.69 KB


We definitely could use more ways of controlling the consistency of spacing from system to system. I'm not so sure that spacers are the best solution, though - that's pretty manual still. Better would be to have a range you could specify for staff distance, or someway way to set a range of possible system heights (hmm, not sure that idea has been suggested before), so staves would automatically add space as needed. But it certainly wouldn't hurt to also allow multiple spacers to be added and set easily.

Meanwhile, be aware you can control the extent to which extra space is added using Format / Style / Min. vertical distance. That can prevent too much space from being added and thus force you to deal with the collisions yourself, which I find to be helpful sometimes.

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