MS 3.5alpha crash on chordsymbol playback
I'm not sure the error report is correct here:
MuseScore 3.5 Alpha AppImage / When I insert a chord symbol over a note, switch on "Play" for it in the Inspector and let the score play, the program closes.
OS: Linux Mint 19.3, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.5.0, revision: 1ee2fe3
Attachment | Size |
ChordSymbolPlay3.5alpha.mscz | 4.54 KB |
Better in the issue tracker
Doesn't crash for me though (but I experienced a crash with chord symbol playback yesterday too)
In reply to Better in the issue tracker by Jojo-Schmitz
thanks for #305134: MS 3.5 alpha crash on chordsymbol playback, still doesn't reproduce for me though
same for me
In reply to same for me by wolfgan
exact steps to reproduce?
In reply to exact steps to reproduce? by Jojo-Schmitz
if I open 3.5.alpha enable chord playback write a chordsymbol (like C) in the first bar click space and musescore crashes. the same if i enter a file that includes chord symbols
In reply to if I open 3.5.alpha enable… by wolfgan
At this point we know the problem happens if your language is set to something other than English. We should have it fixed before a beta release. Meanwhile, you can temporarily change the language if you want to test the chord symbol playback feature. There were, I suspect, a few nightly builds that had it working, and I'd expect to see it working the nightlies again pretty soon.
In reply to At this point we know the… by Marc Sabatella
@Marc: unfortunately the method to temporarily switch MuseScore to English was not successful. Just like before, the program (3.5 Alpha) crashes.
In reply to @Marc: unfortunately the… by [DELETED] 1307581
Does it still crash on a new score? Probably on this one the translate channel name that is the cause of the problem is already hardcoded in there.
In reply to if I open 3.5.alpha enable… by wolfgan
I may have found a fix, will check further tomorrow