Make bars invisible

• May 15, 2020 - 14:58

So in the symphony, some instruments are useless in some parts. Can I make them invisible, not occupying any space, and making other staves correspondingly bigger?


Make use of the hide empty staves style option:

This will hide those instruments if their measures are completely empty for the entire system. It will not make other staves bigger (not sure what you mean here, but if you do actually mean enlarge/scale them, that would be highly unusual).
What may happen is that because your systems now take up less height, more of them might be placed on a single page if your spacing settings allow for that.

In reply to by s191068

As mentioned, this would be highly unusual - I don't know that I've ever seen this in a published score. So there is no direct support for it in MuseScore. but if you are needing to do something like this for your own experimental notation, you can force it to happen, by adding staff type change elements (the "S" icon on the Text palette) to the appropriate measure of each staff you want larger, then use the Inspector to change the scale. But again, I don't recommend it. Nornmally you'd either let the bottom margins be ragged, or allow multiple systems per page, or add spacers from the Breaks & Spacers palette to increase the distance between staves rather than their size.

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