How to combine 2 MuseScore files into one score as 2 parts?
I wrote something and initially, I didn't know how to make a multi-part score so I made them as 2 different files. Is there any way to merge them together into one file and have 2 parts?
I wrote something and initially, I didn't know how to make a multi-part score so I made them as 2 different files. Is there any way to merge them together into one file and have 2 parts?
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Add the staff / instrument to one, copy and paste the notes of the other accross
In reply to Add the staff / instrument… by Jojo-Schmitz
copy and past does not copy certain repeat symbols, unfortunately
In reply to copy and past does not copy… by rlshuler
Indeed, see #165746: Request option to copy system elements with copy/paste (ALL ELEMENTS)
In reply to Indeed, see #165746: Request… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hope they get around to this. The measure structure (short measures), 1 & 2 endings. I'm trying to combine a 5 movement piano concerto and it just isn't designed to handle it. Especially with a "Fine" in the 2nd movement. I guess I'll have to use coda2, coda 3 and so forth.
In reply to Hope they get around to this… by rlshuler
A Fine in movement 2 will work out just fine (pun intended) as long as you end each movement with a section break.
In reply to A fine in part 2 will work… by jeetee
Great, thanks! I just had figured out I had to use section break for another reason.
Hi everyone, I had some free time and put together a powershell script MusescoreCombine.txt that merges several musescore 4 (maybe other versions too).
Prerequisite: The order and number of staffs is the same in all scores (otherwise the staffs of the instruments are mixed in an interesting way or the result is corrupt)
Just execute Powershell script (parameter: list of paths to the .mscz files)
The result is stored in MergedScore.mscz.
If you have concerns about the security of the script, take a look at the script. There is no magic built in.
These pictures shows how the script turns three scores (different files but merged hardcopies)
into a complete score
You can also see that the instruments are taken from the first score. The notes are sometimes funny when they come from another instrument. This works even if you already have several section in these scores.
Feel free to use and modify. Except you will earn money for this.
P.S.: As this forum does not allow to add scripts directly (for security reasons) you have to rename "MusescoreCombine.txt" to "MusescoreCombine.ps1" first
(I edited this post as a new version of the script did the complete work)
In reply to Hi everyone, I had some free… by Achim Knepper - tb
comment removed as everything is in previous post
In reply to Oops. Where has the… by Achim Knepper - tb
comment removed as everything is in previous post
In reply to Hi everyone, I had some free… by Achim Knepper - tb
MC_dir = "C:\Users\Achim\Desktop\MC-combine"
better be something generic, maybe likeMC_dir = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\MC-combine"
?In reply to Wouldn't MC_dir = "C:\Users… by Jojo-Schmitz
At least some checked my code 😀.
Even though this variable is not used, I updated the script without this historical stuff.
And doing "cls" when running the script may not have been everyone's favorite (also removed).
Thanks Jojo
In reply to Hi everyone, I had some free… by Achim Knepper - tb
Could you give a more detailed guide on how to execute the file and explain "parameter: list of paths to the .mscz files" further? I copied the text from…, pasted it in another .txt file and renamed it to MusescoreCombine.ps1. Than I
put it into the same folder with the scores that are ready to be merged and opened it with Powershell. Nothing happened. Did I miss a few steps? (sorry if my English looks weird, I'm not a native speaker///)