Synthesizer won't recognize my diminuendo.

• May 29, 2020 - 19:57

I highlighted the section I wanted and selected diminuendo. Then I clicked on the diminuendo and pressed piano in dynamics. The rest of the piece is in mezzo forte. I did put a mf after the piano because it gets louder immediately after but when the synthesizer didn't recognize I got rid of it, and when that didn't work I deleted the diminuendo and piano symbols and put them back in after and it still didn't work. What do I do about this?


The method you used - attaching the dynamic directly to the diminuendo - does not work. This is a feature that was never fully implemented, and was more or less forgotten about once the "real" way of doing this was developed - just add the dynamic to the score - to an actual note - normally. Originally, that worked for playback but wouldn't get the layout correct, but now it does. So in the future, just don't add dynamics directly to crescendos or diminuendos. Eventually I'm sure we'll get around to make that work for playback...

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