Staff element that tells an instrument to mute (not make any sound).

• Sep 2, 2020 - 23:46

In a lot of jazz music, the group will play through the piece, then another instrument will go back to the head or another part and do a solo. Many times it is piano or sax. It would be nice if Musescore had a mechanism for automatically soloing instruments during playback on a repeat? I am thinking something like a palette element that tells an instrument to mute/unmute at that point. If I remember correctly, Finale had something like this. There is a mute palette element but that is for placing a mute on a brass instrument. Of course the mute/unmute element would have to be smart enough to know to do it on a certain repeat and not always. I checked the forum and couldn't find a previous request for this. I wrote a suggestion about 2 weeks ago for a feature request to put solo/mute on a right-click menu, but that was NOT during playback.
Currently, I guess, you have to just copy-paste a section and only have the instruments you want to play. But that is clunky.
I have seen other feature requests to have the music play differently on a repeat (different dynamics, different octave) and I thought I saw that was something they were working on for Version 4.


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