pan score automatically

• Sep 5, 2020 - 13:37

I've got the latest version fo musescore and in general it works just fine.
One thing I'm having trouble with though is the pan score feature which frequently skips measures when shifting them. I'm using a zoom of 150 % for the display, if this has anything to do with the problem. My operating system is Mac Os Catalina.
Any reports of this nature from other users?
Is there a setting which works reliably? The preferences doesn't cover this pan score feature, so there's nothing I could adjust wrongly.
So to make it more clear the highlighting bar which moves across just disappears for some seconds one it has reached the right side of the screen. Then after a short time it appears again on the left side and moves across to the right. It's just about a measure or so, but it still annoys a lot.


Are you talking about what happens during playback? If so, check out the various options in Edit / Preferences / Advanced, especially those connected to "smooth pan", which might provide some tweaks. If you are in continuous view, there are some known issues with repeats in 3.5. In page view, there can be glitches if there are multiple systems of different heights on the page.

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