extra beats in a measure

• Oct 7, 2020 - 03:08

I'm not sure the subject line is even correct for what I am trying to do. Many piano arrangements have notation that I can not figure out how to create in Musescore that have more notes shown than the measure timing would normally allow. For example, in 3/4 time, the notation might include a dotted half note at the beginning of the measure. In Musescore, that completes the measure with 3 beats and I can not add any additional notes to the measure. However, it is common to show additional notes in the same measure. Suppose you wished to hold a G note through the entire measure (accomplished by the dotted half note), then add an E note for the 2nd and 3rd beat of the same measure. Typically, a quarter rest would be shown directly above the dotted half note, and a half note is displayed following the quarter rest. Essentially 2 lines of music each containing 3 beats played simultaneously.

I've tried entering 3 quarter G notes and tying them together then add a pair of E quarter notes for the 2nd and 3rd beat and tie them together so they are just held. The sound is correct, but the notation is confusing when trying to play it.

How is this best accomplished? Should I create another instrument and superimpose it's notation on the same staff? How would that affect the other measures that may or may not have this issue?


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